Sunday, December 26, 2010

What is the best place to spend your money when snacking out on the road? I vote for the bakery! This is how I cam to this conclusion. Everything else you could easily snack on, potato chips, ice-cream, chocolates and sweets for example, all these are best stored at home, purchased in bulk, that's what makes economic sense. But cake is different. You can't just store cake away, nothing tastes like a freshly backed one. I like eating lots of cake then. But maybe I'll grow bored of it by tomorrow..

Thursday, December 23, 2010

This is How It Feels

This is How It Feels by Wesley Oakes 24 December 2010

This is how it feels. It's funny but this is the only way to describe it.
You have to go now, mommy doesn't love you anymore.
Mommy has a new little boy, you have to go find someone new.
The sky is empty there are no stars. The ocean is my due.
Underwater is the only place for me. With my wreath.
Under the water is where I belong, it's the only place I can breathe!
I don't want to feel happy anymore. I don't want to eat or drink anymore.
It's better this way, it's what you wanted. I want to give you that.
I always wanted to give you everything you wanted, with no catch.
This is such a beautiful view on christmas eve. I took a picture of you.
It's the one that I believed in. It's the one I want to take with me.
Please, Father, will you make me a new Chevanne. Amen.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

but I do like the feedback mr mystery. it's scary how fine the line is between idiocy and keen insight. I'll tell you why. As I listen to my track Fool - One Day, and compare with something by markus SCUL for example, I become blatantly aware, where this mix will fail upon the dancefloor AS IT IS. BUT, if I never posted it, IF I never felt the frustration of the listners around the globe, then
I would not know, beyond any doubt. No something in this track must go. Something, some part of it is holding it back from being what it must be, proper trance. But if these folks had taken the time to appreciate it for what it is, all would be lost. We artists need slightly insenstive, demanding listeners to give us the final nudge, when it comes to the crux time. But I have no regrets, cos by next week I will have Fool - One Day 'Supernova Mix' or uh, something. But still, more discerning listners will enjoy the kind of stunted, chilled vibe of this track. It will always be the original mix, and where would we be if everyone just threw together guaranteed club hits. I will tell you where. Every track will sound the same, and trance will be dead. There will be no real interest in trance cos there will be no more songs. And only bedroom producers licking the balls of the 'big names'. They will shout out mindlessly 'his is huge' whenever they feel the surge of energy from a perfect trancer. But there will be non real substance. Wait, isn't that trance already. Is it not this horribly negative attitude to true artistry that make the scene a laughing stock at times. LOOK, yes, we all know what we want trance to be, but we can't have trance all the time. Trance is a place that must be found, after a bit of searching. That is the sacrifice I have made for trance.


Someone who thought LOL meant lots of love sent a message to someone who's gran had died.

"Sorry about your gran lol"

Friday, December 17, 2010


Where is my chev?
Where do she go?
Will she come back?
I don't know.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How it started.

DEC 8 2008

Picachu:  Is my friend talented? Please just say what YOU think.

I had sent her my myspace page, i'd sent this message to thirty or so random people, from a fake facebook account (Picachu Herber) .
At this moment I had no idea my whole life was about to change. For one thing I had  never written lyrics for my music before I met Chevanne.

DEC 12 2008

Chevanne: the girl or boy?
Picachu: huh?
Picachu: what do you mean?
Chevanne: read what u askd!

DEC 13 2008

Picachu: ya well what girl?
Chevanne: oh well she pritty!
Picachu: there's no girl on that link. I wanted you to go to the link, to say what you think of the music. did you do that?

DEC  18 2008

Chevanne: no
Picachu: haha why not?

DEC 19 2008

Picachu: so which one of you is chevanne?

DEC 23 2008

Chevanne: black hair
 She had been standing with a blonde girl in her profile pic

Picachu: So is that your best friend? What u think of my new profile pic?

DEC 24 2008
Chevanne: the biscuit thingie'?

I had changed my profile pic to a cartoon picture of  Rock Lee from the anime Naruto. In this pic he had been transformed into a ginger bread man  by some enemy ninja!

Picachu: yep it's a picture of my friend.

DEC 26 2008

Chevanne: uhem ok
Picachu: yep the one who made the music
Picachu: Y can't I see your profile. Is it cos you have things to hide?

DEC 28 2008

Chevanne: no
Picachu: then why then?
Chevanne: duno

DEC 29 2008

Picachu: listen, im trying to establish if you are pretty

DEC 30 2008

Picachu: ha, this thread's been going a while.

JAN 1 2009

Chevanne: ja, but nt the mst intertaing nw is it?

JAN 2 2009

Picachu: what do you want, im a boy using a fake profile how much more intertaining can it get?

JAN 3 2009

Chevanne: na..

this was when i became in love!

JAN 5 2009

Picachu: so which grade are you in, I havent beeen in high school for years.
Picachu: I'm gonna add u ok? Im kind of a reclusive genius. I hope you dnt mind if I add you from my proper account?

JAN 6 2009

Chevanne: UM I DNT KNW U
PIcachu: Hi my name is wesley, sorry I forgot. anyway it's 2009!
Chevanne u think>? :)

I became more in love!

Picachu:I dnt know what do you mean. think what? I dnt understand.
Chevanne: wht?
Picachu: I liked your other pic, but I see you have a new one.
Chevanne: ja

JAN 7 2009

Picachu: So did you get my friend request?

JAN 8 2009

Picachu: hey I havent heard from u in a while and I was starting to worry about you.
Chevanne: lol, that's nyc?

JAN 9 2009

Picachu: I dunno, it's just been nice hearing from u. It's almost like we have become friends or something. I'm just waiting.
Chevanne: haha ok? Wel im reli tierd.
Picachu: well goodnite. oh did u get my friend request?

JAN 10 2009

Chevanne: npe
Picachu: ok im gonna send it. just remember my name is wesley. Wesley.
Chevanne: I stil dnt hav it
.Picachu: ok wait, it must be cos im on my phone and it's not worjking right. im gonna try again.
Chevanne: ok
Picachu: haha, realy? Ok? u mean u approved it?
Chevanne: no. i neva got it.

JAN 11 2009

Picachu: oh it must be sumthing is wrong with faceb. but i just sent 1 now so check again, maybe u r in luck this time.

Chevanne: stil nt

Picachu: i dnt know what im doing wrong. everytime it says 'a friend request will now be sent to Chevanne' but then it doesn''t :(. Ok im gona try again.

Chevanne: ok bt i havnt got it

Picachu: did u check again?
Chevanne: ja I dnt hav it!

Picachu: Chevanne I dnt know what to say. im really sorry. I honestly sent it. I clicked 'add friend' next to your profile. but nt picachu, wesley, remember?

Chevanne: yes! bt no

This was the last straw! I was now totally in love. I could'nt think straight anymore.

Picachu: maybe it is a problem on their server. I will try again. sometimes these interfaces are nt working properly. understand?

Chevanne: not reli.. bt ok?

Picachu: I've sent another one.

Picachu: ive just read all the facebook help faqs. I just cant figure out what's going wrong.

Chevanne: I dunno then.

Picachu: oh but it's ok . I'm glad at least I can still speak to you. but wait im rather gonna send you a message from my normal facebook. this will be better cos maybe it's a little wierd having another identity.

Chevanne: uhm ja ok?

Well there you have it, that's  how I met Chevanne.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How to be a knob.

How to be a knob?

1. Name your only child 'Kai'
2. When taking a penalty, do a sexy jig, then miss.

It doesn't matter if you go on to win more trophies, you will always have this post to remind you, behind all that, you are a knob. :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What to do if something breaks.

What to do if something breaks?
When something breaks, think of this.
Think of all the things you were missing.
And all that you could have been doing then.
At the time you were busy with something else.
And then when it's fixed, if it ever gets fixed?
You may find you can live without it, after all.
I wish I could do this with you Chev.
But somehow I think I want to fix you.
Like that clodplay song! I will fix you.
Peace bitches! That was the photo.
My mother and father want to disown me.
Luckily I'm far, far to big to worry about that.
I'll come to York again, this time to kidnap you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wesley Oakes - The Stalker's Soliloquy

She sees herself as a woman.
And she is still her mother's pet.
One day she will be hated more than me.
That is why she hates me.

She was only on fudge for friends.
In the factory everyone knew her name.
But I was the only one who understood.
That is why she hates me so good.

They all hate me because I am me.
A freak, far above the mean.
But you hate me, so, much, you said.
Because once you knew me you never felt fed.

You felt like you had to be free.
That is why you hate me.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ten things to do if you want to meet Satan.

10. Smoke break fluid. Chev.

9. Swear at old ladies who walk slow in front of you. Chev.

8. Try bestiality. Chev.

7.Eat candles. Chev.

6. Never apologize even if you are sorry. Chev.

5. Grow long toenails. Chev.

4. Have vodka for breakfast every morning. Chev.

3. Give hardcore porno to children. Like they did to you Chev =P.

2. Use coffee creamer to feed baby. Like they did with you Chev =P.

1. Listen to the radio. Chev.