The Return of DJ Fag.
He was pissed off there was no queston. DJ Fag had Bobby in his grip. JF tried to explain things but he would not listen.
Let him be JF! I deserve what I am getting. Bobby's words surprised JF, he never thought he would hear those words, from those
vocal chords. They were after all the most famous vocal chords in all of trance music, though this was not to say that they were the best.
But that is not what angered DJ Fag. No it was this. DJ Fag resented most the fact that Bobby refused to carry out his destiny.
They had built Bobby West Virginia to bring trance back home. But somehow Bobby had been corrupted, not by bleepy music, no that was a mere unmemorable blip on the timeline of EDM. No, what Bobby had done was far far worse.
You thief. I showed you the secret of 135 bpm music, and this is how you thank me? By going, the other way? It's true. It's all true. Bobby had fallen prey to Smokin Joles mantra, 'the only way up, is down' He used this philosophy to create 'Travelling'. This was what had started the quiteness war. Everywhere the smoke had not yet settled. You could hear birds singing along with this music, there was a curious, underwhelming energy. There was still energy in this, but that was because Bobby had made it, and Bobby was made to be the best. Even Dj Fag could not deny this, for indeed, He had built Bobby, a long time ago now. 'And such are the consequences of my ill judgement' mused DJ Fag. He explained to JF now, the reason for his anger. 'Under these conditions, allowing for the indesputable tendency of fad music, that is music made by novices, for the mere purpose of gimmick and quick fame, would in turn produce a plethora of quite music, until this was what all of trance music was perceived to be. In this way, trance would once again dissappear from the mainflow, to DJ Fags left membrane. This was not to his liking. He thrived upon the last great wave, as it had flowed in seeming perpetuity from the golden hands of The Varmint. This is what upset DJ Fag the most. This deafening silence..
Suddenly Foci appeared. "Please DJ Fag, give him another chance. We know that before he was corrupted, Bobby was making good progress in the name ofloudness. Foci called up a link to,'It's Time You Knew' "What is this?" JF was relieved to hear a little melody in Dj Fag's tone. He sounded pleased.'Meh!' He cast Bobby West to the ground, with a disdainful grunt. It seems we may have some use for him yet. But we will need to open him up again. He signalled over to his assistant, Tom, the mentalist. They put Bobby into some kind of coma, and carried him off over the hills , towards Trancellvania!